Sunday, 20 December 2015

 Deblurring an image using Regularized Filter

reading an image

I = imread('tissue.png'); I = I(125+(1:256),1:256,:); figure;imshow(I);title('Original Image'); text(size(I,2),size(I,1)+15, ... 'Sample Image', ... 'FontSize',7,'HorizontalAlignment','right');

Saturday, 14 September 2013

thinkengines is about learning the MATLAB software for novice initiated with emphasis on one particular subject so as to bring an ease in building a route map of learning, regardless of the field on study the way we learn any subject basics is always incessant. Image Processing is one of such disciplines and we design you the perfect route map to learn.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

About me


Sunday, 10 February 2013

Play Exciting Games for Free ! 

Street Fighter 

Dragon-Ball Z

Samurai Heart 


Image Processing

Deblurring and Enhancements


we call it "roboTronx!" a workshop on robotics and artificial intelligence by thinkEngines.

Importance of robotics education in India

Robotics education is an emerging field in India, and if student response is any indication – the potential is immense. Economic Times estimates Robotics education in India as a 500 Crore industry.
Robotics is rightly viewed as a key enabler and educational tool. Like in the US and many other countries, robotics in India will become a mainstay of educational curricula at all education levels. Many students actively take part in robotic competitions in India, and are keen to do robotics projects, and attend robotics workshops. Introducing robotics at an early age can foster their interest in science and technology.

Benefits of Robotics Education
  • Develops scientific temperament
  • Develops creativity and innovation
  • Improves logical and analytical thinking
  • Improves observational skills
  • Builds team work
  • Provides Joyful Learning Experience
The growth of the robotic industry is a view point which is also shared by leaders of the engineering community. In the 40th Anniversary of edition of Spectrum, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) flagship publication, 40 of the worlds ‘Technology Masterminds’ were asked what they saw as the most important technology for the coming decade.

 Kazuo Murano, the President of Fujitsu Laboratories responded “the robot will probably be the technology of the 21st century, as the automobile was the technology of the 20th century. It is expected to address many social issues in Japan and other developed nations—coping with rapid demographic change, providing security, and improving the convenience and comfort of daily life".

Building Guide for Humanoid (ALPHA REX)

Building Guide for T-56 robot

Building Guide for Scorpion robot 

 Deblurring an image using Regularized Filter reading an image I = imread('tissue.png'); I = I(125+(1:256),1:256,:); figure;i...